Turkish Bath

Turkish Bath (Hamam) is the heir of the Roman and Greek baths, while the name is derived from the Arab word "Ham" - "hot", spread in the Arab countries, Turkey, Morocco, and has played an important role in the Muslim social life for centuries. In Europe, a "Turkish" bath was introduced and popularized in the middle of the nineteenth century.
The temperature reaches 50-60 ° C, the air is cloudy with steam, there are cold water fountains with benches between them.
The procedure begins with gradual warming, then the body is rinsed with water; following sweating on the central stone bench, you can make a soap massage, peeling massage with a peel-glove. Then it is better to have rest is in the warm relax zone. It can be accompanied by cosmetic procedures - massage with oils, masks, etc., ending with rest, followed by final cooling and relaxation in a relax zone. You can have a refreshing drink - tea, juice, and eat light meals in a pleasant setting.
Turkish Bath is useful with the following:
In addition, drives out toxins, along with the sweat, normalizes the intestinal function, and that means it boosts immunity. Your purified skin gets the opportunity to breathe, taking oxygen from the air. After the procedure, the skin starts producing new cells actively , becomes elastic and gentle, protects against the appearance of pimples and some inflammatory phenomena. Women who regularly visit a hammam, wrinkles do not appear till old ages.
If you have any chronic disease, you should first consult your doctor to understand whether you are allowed thermal and wet procedures.
Unfortunately, there are contraindications: